Click here for a special tribute in honor of the 10th Anniversary of the Henry Schraub Scholarship prepared by Renee Norris, Theater Director, Haltom High School.

Since 2001, the Foundation has given $1,892,558 to over 900 BISD educators through the Innovative Teacher Grant program. The Birdville Education Foundation awarded 43 grants totaling $110,077 for the 2021-2022 school year.
Thanks to the generous corporate and community donors through the Best for Birdville Annual Campaign and the generosity of our dedicated Birdville ISD staff donors, the Education Foundation awards innovative grants to deserving classrooms and campuses. Thanks for your continued support!
The purpose of the Education Foundation Innovative Teaching Grants is to encourage and support the creation of innovative projects that will enrich the education and growth of all students in Birdville ISD. The Education Foundation provides funds to finance educational opportunities outside the scope of the regular operating budget of Birdville ISD and targets areas such as enrichment of curriculum and instruction in the classroom, in the school, professional development and teacher learning, student leadership, school and community collaboration, and community participation in all aspects of education.